Formaldehyde (CH2O) is a fairly simple chemical compound that is naturally produced in low volumes through regular cellular metabolism. It is best known for its profound anti-bacterial characteristics hence its long-standing application as one of the main preservatives used in mortuaries. However, formaldehyde solutions—where the gas is mixed with an aqueous mobile phase—are extremely valuable to a wide range of medical research areas. They are routinely used to deactivate viruses for vaccine manufacturing, for instance.
Our article discusses the toxic hazards of formaldehyde and our formaldehyde gas detector solutions.
Oxygen Detectors: What is an O2 Depletion Monitor?
Oxygen (O2) depletion monitors are devices capable of measuring the ambient concentration of atmospheric oxygen and signalling when Ievels have fallen. This can enable action to be taken before an evacuation is required and levels become dangerous. In addition to oxygen depletion, problems arise when oxygen levels are too high. This oxygen “enrichment” (levels above 23%) can be dangerous; increasing the chances of combustion and the intensity of fires. In summary, oxygen detectors can signal all dangerous levels of oxygen and are important instruments for a range of applications.