What, Why & How? Bump Testing Gas Detectors
One of the many questions we get asked here at IGD, is the difference between bump testing and calibration.
Bump testing is a procedure to check a detector reads to the expected tolerance and initiates the correct alarm signals. Bump testing does not involve any calibration activity and can be easily undertaken with minimal training (see video below).
All that is required to undertake a bump test is:
- Disposable bump test gas cylinder
- Cylinder regulator, hose and detector cap
Bump testing a fixed gas detection system would be similar to the periodic alarm tests for a fire alarm system. Bump test kits are available from IGD for this purpose.

Pictured: IGD bump test kit. Available here.
Why Bump Test a Fixed Gas Detection System?
There are a lot of articles currently out there on why and how to bump test a portable detector, however very few mention fixed systems.
The same principles can be applied to bump testing a fixed gas detection system. Much like a fire system, where a random call point is tested each week or month, you should be undertaking a similar process with your fixed detection systems. Doing so has a number of benefits for the end user:
- Peace of mind that the system does actually detect the gas in question.
- Builds confidence.
- Allows the site to practice its Safe Operating Procedures (SOP’s) in a similar manner to the fire system.
- Early indication of any issues.
Each site will require development of the correct SOP to follow when bump testing its detectors. We provide guidance and help for end users to develop the most appropriate and practical methodologies. For example what is practical for a laboratory complex to undertake, will be different to a waste recycling site or plant room.
Note: bump testing does not replace the requirement for regular calibration and service visits.
How to Bump Test IGD Fixed Gas Detection System:
The video below provides typical guidance that will help you and your team to bump test IGD gas detection systems. It will also cover the difference between calibration and bump testing. Furthermore, the video will show you how to acknowledge, silence and reset alarms. This was taken straight from our Online Training Academy, that has other “how to” videos and theory courses. Furthermore if you require a bump test kit, these can be bought online here.