Hydrogen Chloride Gas Chloride (HCL)

Hydrogen Chloride Gas Detector Solutions by International Gas Detectors Ltd.

Hydrogen Chloride Gas Detectors from International Gas Detectors – We can provide a range of fixed sensors and portable gas monitors for the detection of HCL.

It is important for many industries to have accurate and fast detection of Hydrogen Chloride to avoid the gas reaching dangerous toxic levels.

Discover our range of hydrogen chloride gas detector and associated instruments. Designed specifically for the detection of HCL. Our hydrogen chloride gas detector range includes:

Occupational Exposure Levels


STEL: 5ppm

(Short Term exposure Limit – 15mins)

TWA: 1ppm

(Time Weighted Average – 8hrs)

Alarm Recommendations

Rising Latching Alarms for Life Safety Applications


First Alarm


Second Alarm


Third Alarm


Hydrogen Chloride(HCL) Properties:

Hydrogen Chloride (HCL) is a colourless, highly toxic gas with a strong odour. HCL is also highly corrosive. Hydrogen Chloride readily dissolves in water to give Hydrochloric acid. In moist conditions, Hydrogen chloride gas reacts with water in the air to give clouds of Hydrochloric acid.

We can provide a range of hydrogen chloride gas detector solutions depending on what your site requires. Whether this is a full fixed system, using our industry leading addressable system, or a standalone ATEX transmitter connected to a site wide rack system, we have the solution. The below discusses the hazards of hydrogen chloride and typical applications. In addition we will also discuss some of our hydrogen chloride gas detector solutions. If in doubt give our team a call and we can discuss your requirements and provide a solution.

TOc-903-X5 Dual Gas Detector with Green Display V2

TOC-903-X5 Standalone and Addressable Gas Detector Transmitter

Where is HCL Used?

Hydrogen chloride is used in the manufacture of:

  • fertilisers
  • dyes
  • a number of industrial chemicals.
  • It is used to separate cotton from wool and fluff in the textiles industry.
  • in electronics industry, to etch semiconductor crystals.
  • HCL is also used to treat synthetic rubber and in metal processing treatments.

Examples of a Major Leak:

At a vinyl plant in Cheshire in 2000. A storage container leaked Hydrogen Chloride into the local area, which resulted in an explosion and 18 tonnes of Hydrogen Chloride to leak into the local area. This caused an evacuation of the Vinyl Plant and local residents were unable to leave there homes for many hours because of fear of exposure to the Hydrogen Chloride Gas. Had gas detection been used, the leak could have been detected at an earlier stage, preventing the explosion, consequential disruption and potential injury or loss of life.

Health Hazards of Hydrogen Chloride:

Inhalation of HCL at low levels over short periods of time can cause throat irritation. Exposure to higher levels may result in effects including rapid breathing, blue colouring of the skin, fluid accumulation in the lungs and in extreme cases severe swelling of the throat, suffocation and death.

IGD’s Hydrogen Chloride Gas Detector Solutions:

We offer a wide range of Hydrogen Chloride gas detector technologies both addressable and legacy 4-20mA analogue, in the form of safe area and ATEX HCL gas detector. Including our ground breaking 2-Wire™ addressable gas detector technology:


In addition we can also provide a range of hydrogen chloride portable gas detectors, both multi gas and single gas monitors. 

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