The NEO PID is the most advanced portable gas detector on the global market and is used to monitor volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The sensor can monitor over 700 VOC gas species and reliably detect down to parts per billion levels (ppb) and up to 15,000 parts per million (ppm). This blog post will explore five industry applications in which the NEO PID can be used and the benefits it provides.
How Sputtering and Humidity Affects your PID Sensor
As a lot of our readers may have seen in our PID and VOC articles, we frequently mention the terms ‘sputtering’ and ‘humidity’ and their effects on a PID sensor. But what does sputtering mean? And how exactly do these have a negative effect on the performance of a PID? This article aims to answer these questions, detailing these issues and how IGD has managed to negate them from our PID sensors.
The Most Advanced Gas Transmitter on the Market: The 903-X5
International Gas Detectors Ltd are excited to announce the latest addition to our product range: the TOC-903-X5 gas transmitter. This brand-new gas detector transmitter provides a huge leap in technology to the gas detection market, with its dual gas sensing capabilities and onboard connectivity. Backed by our 100 years of experience in gas detection technology, you can be sure that you are getting the most advanced gas transmitter on the market with full-service support from the experts in gas detection technology.
Using PID Portables for Military Applications
Gas detection is provided in two formats: portable (such as the PID portable) and fixed. Understanding gas risks often requires a combination of the two, but there are applications in which only one will do. IGD’s multi-gas and PID portable is well suited for aspects of military applications which will be outlined in this article.
VOC Detectors for Advanced Industrial Hygiene
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are very widely used in industry and represent a significant hazard to human health. In this blog post, we take a look at what VOCs are, their role in industry, and the importance of VOC detectors for maintaining industrial hygiene.
Gas Detection Solutions for Cement Production
Cement is the core component of concrete, and with the increased demand for more construction worldwide, there is a higher need for the most popular building material: concrete. During cement and concrete production, gases are produced that could harm humans and the wider environment; therefore, gas detection solutions are required for safety and monitoring purposes.
Portable Detection for the Firefighting Industry
It is vital to have adequate detection for the hazards you are encountering. Due to the range of gases it is possible to encounter, there is an equating number of portable gas detectors to be utilised in this application. This includes handheld multi gas detectors such as the POLI and MGT as well as handheld VOC monitors like the NEO. Read on to find out more about the hazards of firefighting and IGDs detectably better solutions.
New Sensor Additions to our MPower Range
IGD are proud to announce that we are further extending the sensor range in the Mpower portable products. Our partnership with Mpower and the new sensor additions, now extend our portfolio of portable
detection into various industries sectors that we couldn’t before.
Maintainable vs Maintenance Free Portable Gas Sensors
When it comes to portable gas sensors, you can either obtain a maintainable or maintenance free detector. There is a big debate in the industry discussing which type of portable gas sensor is best, with every company having having a different opinion and offering a different option. This can understandably become confusing when purchasing portable gas sensor. Thus, this article aims to discuss the pros and cons of maintainable and maintenance free portable gas sensors to help establish which is the ultimate option for portable detection. Read on to find out more about this, including the best portable gas sensor options available on the market.
Exotic Gas Detection with the Uni Gas Portable Detector
Many gases used in research and industry can pose a significant risk for asphyxiation, explosion, and risk of poisoning. Gas detectors are often the first line of defence for these dangers, but selecting the right gas detector for your application can be a challenge. In this article we are going to focus on portable gas monitors.
There is a wide range of hardware for gas monitoring on the market, including detectors that can detect single or multiple gases. This article will outline the benefits of UNI gas detectors and the applications they are suited to.